Friday, March 4, 2011

Mexicanas Famosas Chupando Polla

The Joy Formidable - The Big Roar

you have time left with their first drive. After a mini-album ( A Balloon Called Moaning , 2008) and a live CD ( First You Have To Get Mad , 2009), appears with The Big Roar now the debut of the three Welsh with choice of residence London.

And that has it all: is the opener The Ever Changing Spectrum Of A Lie a seven-minute song monster that starts with harmless noise and more and more rebels to finally say goodbye with a noisy feedback orgy.

It is further, such as the dirty, grungy "A Heavy Abacus" or the melancholy starting "Llaw = wall", the bassist Rhydian Dafydd lends his voice. Do not worry: Again, it comes after half a showdown is used perfectly for a short second to breathe. And on we go. The fans already known "Austere" seen here as his resurrection from the long-forgotten singles like "Whirring, albeit in slightly modified form. From nice, but somewhat flaccid pop-punk popular songs in the album version, he mutates into a insatiable Rock Kracher, in which the song towards the middle is redundant. [...] Back in the early 90's it is all about with "The greatest light is the greatest shade", reminiscent of the Smashing Pumpkins and the heavy bass knows how to say just so between a crazy electric guitar fireworks. ( )

References Breeders and Lush are not the worst. (Oliver Peel, )

you have time left with their first album: Everything done right!



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