Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Goergia Botbelly Pigs

Say Hi – Um, uh oh



rough- In 2002, founded the California native Eric Elbogen, the band Say Hi to Your Mom in New York. Since then, he was quite busy, "is To, uh oh " but in fact already his seventh album. The fifth album, he reduced the band name to Say Hi. Why? There are other interesting facts in addition to information on the Website des Künstlers :

1. Please do not ask about the name change, it's been more than four years.
2. Any messages or emails employing LOL-speak or lazy spellings will not be answered.
3. Please do not trust what you've read on Wikipedia, most of it is incorrect.
4. Referring to the band as "them" or "you guys" is incorrect, there is only me.
5. The exception to #4 is when referencing a public performance (rock show).
6. No requests and no suggestions.
7. Words like 'inspiration' do not apply here. 'Imagination' is far more interesting.
8th Enjoy, and please know that I appreciate you listening.
9th Please do not ask about the name change, it's been more than four years.

Eric Elbogen combines beautifully with casual Indie Rock Lo-Fi. In addition, especially his voice is not only because of its similarity to Win Butler of Arcade Fire paid attention. Where The Strange Death Of Liberal England Britpop alternative to Arcade Fire, a description of Say Hi Fi Lo is a variant.

Not only because of the combination "a solo musician / band reminds me of Say Hi to the Eels. Eric Elbogen seems a little less cranky as Mark Oliver Everett, However, both musically oriented in the same direction. "Um, uh oh" is not a revelation but an immensely pleasing, relaxed and commendable indie rock album with some songs that embed themselves in the head.

PopMatters :

For this release, Spoon's minimalist aesthetic adopts elbows and sings like a caffeinated M. Ward. While earlier albums were powered by driving, car-y synths, this sparse, homemade collection might best be categorized as polished lo-fi. Musically, there's scarcely an original moment here, yet somehow manages to elbow rise to the task of Infusing familiar arrangements with new life.

The featured video for the song "Devils":

And although no official video moved but pictures, great song "Take ya 'dancin' '

where there is the whole album as a stream.

Not on the album, but on the B-side to the single "Devils" included a cover version of "Kiss off":


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