Sunday, February 13, 2011

What House Foundation Cover Is Best

The Dears - Degeneration Street

The last three albums of The Dears ("No Cities Left," 2003, "Gang Of Losers," 2006 and "Missiles" 2008) are with me on the shelf because Murray Light Burns voice so nice to Morrissey and Damon Albarn sounds. Unfortunately, so far only a few really good songs and a lot of average to hear took to the quality of time from to time.

Now comes with "degeneration Street" the fifth album of the total Canadian band whose occupation Lightburn, regularly changing - the only exception is keyboardist / singer Natalia Yanchak, because those who already throws his wife out of the band? Lightburn seems the above comparisons and abundant enough lately to have heard a lot about David Bowie. How else could the vocal and musical closeness to the Thin White Duke to explain otherwise ("throne", "Yesteryear"). The opener "Omega Dog" contest Lightburn contrast in falsetto vocals, so you think Prince could have written a great, slightly soulful indie-pop song. Another highlight is "Blood" with its screeching guitars that collide with harpsichord-like sounds dar., only the two ballad-like "Lamentation" and "Galactic Tides are the Dark Side Of The Moon -regular female choirs, perhaps a little too thick.
The Dears do the 'degeneration Street "almost everything right and a lot more than on the two plates before.

With the emergence of "degeneration Street" (in Germany from the available as an import 15:02:11) The Dears were unfamiliar ways and sent initially to each other songs and ideas by email to work on these first, before a few studio days Tony Hoffer (Beck, Belle & Sebastian, Phoenix), which is partly responsible for the orchestral shows were recorded. The fans, the album was then performed at numerous concerts in its entirety. From the concert last May in Mexico City then, also produced the following videos:

"Omega Dog" live video

"Blood" Live video


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