Friday, October 2, 2009

How Much Does Nichel Cost

- A medicinal plant on the rise

The traditions are today confirmed by clinical studies that prove the value of these plants as medicine. There are few plants, where such high reverence being paid to the most common usage refers to Aloe Vera.

The Greek historian Dioscorides recommended Aloe Vera for the treatment of burns and kidney disease.

It continuously tests to determine the exact components of Aloe and its functions are carried out. One ingredient of the aloe gel is isolated, ie acemannan, a Makopolysacharid. This is a complex carbohydrate, the immune system to combat viruses and has restorative properties. It stimulates the production of interferon, inhibits the Glykosylation of viruses and boosts the immune system by strengthening the activity of macrophages and leads a production of interleukin-1 cause.

also contains aloe lectins - these are proteins with anti-inflammatory effect. The Aloe has the ability to penetrate through the skin, for which part of its cellulose-like lignin are responsible.
The aloe vera has a high content of vitamin C and selenium, two of the Anti-oxidation substances that play in the prevention of diseases such as cancer and high blood pressure, a central role. In the joints successfully counteracts and can also be useful for diabetics, as they often have a Sodiummangel. As has been demonstrated

by modern research, the healing power of Aloe cross be applied to different areas. It has proved particularly in the treatment of radiation burns, skin diseases, wounds, sunburn and dermatitis to be particularly efficient - to name but a few.

Aloe vera extract prevents the formation of kidney stones and is able to reduce their size.

It permeates in no time at all layers of the skin, which promotes the healing process. It contains salicylic acid and magnesium, a compound that causes an aspirin-like, analgestische effect. In the treatment of viral diseases (eg AIDS) could be successfully used aloe. She is able to attack the virus from one cell to the next counter.

Steven R. Schechter, ND, has in 1967 in the Children's Hospital of Cincinnati conducted a study to recognize the healing benefits of aloe and justified. For this purpose, Dr. Schechter approached a number of different skin products on animals, which were due to burns from laser treatment.
The best healing results he was consistently observed in the Aloe Vera Gel. The gel could be successfully applied to various skin diseases, including burns, trauma and cancer. Even with burns on his body he set the Aloe with success.

A in the Let's Live magazine (issue of December 1994) published study took a close look at 260 patients who were in radiation therapy and were treated externally with aloe gel. The researchers emphasized the therapeutic efficacy of Aloe (compared to other synthetic medicines, which were more frequent application) out. The Aloe accelerated the healing process, calm inflammation and soothe the by radiation burns caused pain.

Almost all studies on this subject to share the recognition that aloe speeds the healing process both for burns and wounds. The Aloe Vera
may further be used to prevent scarring and help the healing process with smaller scars. The properties of Aloe Vera to promote the regeneration of tissues and remove dead skin cells. The information contained in their uronic acids are natural substances and detoxification may have share in the healing process by cutting off their toxins harmful ingredients. Through their properties enzymattischen penetrates the tissue and promotes the aloe its healing and its normal growth

In recent years, the Aloe was often in thanks to their positive effect on the stomach and intestinal tract interview.

Ivan Danhof, Ph.D., MD used the aloe in his practice of gastroenterology. He deals in scientific studies with possible applications of aloe in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease, including the Chron's disease and colitis accompanied by ulcer. In his opinion, the aloe, thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect of great benefit.

also regulates the aloe's natural pH (acid / alkaline) in the digestive system, which may be the reason for their medicinal properties in treating ulcers. A recent study demonstrates the power of aloe vera as a cure for the intestinal tract. The study took a longer period of patients with gastric ulcers under the microscope, not taking other medications. Another study conducted in Russia, administered Aloe vera gel patients with ulcers. After this treatment, the ulcers were completely healed. The researchers compared their findings with the results that other, more common drugs to fight ulcers achieved. They came to the conclusion that the natural aloe gel these other drugs is at least competitive with the advantage that the toxic side effects in the aloe gel eliminated.

Source: Distribution


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