10th July
Hola chicas, we were last night to Huaraz RETURN of our first bivouac tour and have a warm shower and a cold cerveca enjoyed.
On Tuesday afternoon we went with one, even for local ratios rickety bus an even more complicated folding road up to the entrance to the valley at 3900m Shalup.
we were immediately besieged by a horde of school children to Caramellas, for which we presented in this corner Gringos rare specimens.
we were immediately besieged by a horde of school children to Caramellas, for which we presented in this corner Gringos rare specimens.
With our clouds ("slang for very large and annoying backpack) we fought our 800hm about some roadless terrain to the foot of the Huamashraju (5434m). There we pitched on a picturesque site at 4700m our tent.
We were amazed not bad when we opened on Wednesday morning our tent roof. In the night it snowed 5cm. Nevertheless, we packed our luggage and looked for a way over scree to Huamashraju. The isolated Steinmaennnchen are here less than helpful. Select a point here probably the times anyone has achieved .....
from headaches and shortness of breath, we reached the saddle at 5200m. Once there beat the weather so quickly to we could only briefly enjoy the breathtaking views of the Huamashraju Oeste. We broke our first summit attempt after a short consultation tired and went back to camp. When I arrived there it started to snow ..... We snuggled into our sleeping bags tired and started another Watterparie. Hons believes that the Watterkarten in height only help the owner .... In the case of Michl.
the next morning in we started quite early the second attempt. Perfect weather and cool temperatures (-10 degrees esteemed) promised good ratios. From headaches stomach aches and nausea was what caused but only for general laughter.
The last 200hm to the top Alpine touring we were spoiled before-Hispanic. Each backup must be set or even buried .... For this purpose we carried with us to the summit rocks to anchor material for the abseil have.
Fantastic Firnverhaeltnisse made the steep climb up to 70 degrees at a benefit we have seen yet not so.
scheoneren and a spectacular first 5000 we could not have wished for.
two entertaining 60m abseiling brought to the anchor stones brought us to the foot of the headwall where we again reached easier terrain.
We broke from the camp and then began rearmed with our clouds to descend over the scenic-wrongly of gringos rarely committed Pampa.
2500hm, 20km and 4,000,000 bricks later we were sitting in the bus and shortly afterward the cerveca.
comes today in the evening with Leo our expedition doctor will again bring us back on track. Instead we show him how to dance salsa NOT.
morning's fresh laundry (If the laundress has survived our bombs ...) and a leisurely day at the spa at Monterrey.
We wish you all a lot of fun reading the blog.
Miguel y Juan
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